Small Squares – July 2018

Small Squares – July 2018

Summer is flying past and July is over! What the heck?! School starts in just two weeks for my kids. It has been a super busy summer for all of us and that has suited all of us just fine. It is way better for these kids to stay busy instead of sitting around wondering what is going to happen next. Not that that hasn’t happened a few times but at least with camps/trips it has been kept to a minimum. Here are a few peeks at our Small Squares for this busy month:

^^^Simon spent a week at Camp Cole Boy Scout camp. This is his last year as he is getting close to earning his Eagle! He had a blast.
^^^Summer nights with the puppers.
^^^My favorite twins. I am going to miss these two so much when they leave for college next month. Why do these amazing teens have to grow up and spread their wings? WHY?
^^^We were at a party at our friends house and this trunksize branch broke and fell on Simon. He lived to fight another day but it was a little dicey. The Bonners throw a killer party!
^^^Blurry but accurate photo of me and my girls 🙂

One of my favorite weeks of the whole month (and really, the whole YEAR) was Girls Camp, where the young women  from our stake (congregation) ages 12-18 go up to the redwoods for a week to really unplug, connect with each other and grow closer to Heavenly Father and the Savior. It was, as always, a really special week. It was extra special because I got to be there again with Sophie. I didn’t take a ton of photos because we have a photographer on site who does a great job but here are a few from our time:

^^^Our wards’ Young Women presidency. I have loved serving with these amazing women!

^^^Sophie in her favorite place, the rock wall at Camp Liahona.
^^^Sophie going up the confidence course wall. It took a little over two hours for these girls to get everyone over the wall. Sophie went up first and pulled herself to the top.
^^^My sweet camper girls!
^^^Can you tell how happy Sophie was when she got over the wall?!
^^^Simon went to his first concert, Imagine Dragons!
^^^Thank you to Nokia for a fabulous concert experience!

^^^Date night at Bull Valley Roadhouse with this guy.
^^^We had a weeklong Bay Area “Staycation”; read about our whole week here.
^^^Sophie did a little modeling work for our favorite stylist Jaime Glazier. She’s the BEST.

This summer has been fun and busy and lacking in much of an actual daily routine…something we all needed after a very busy and structured school year. The only constants have been good food, time outside, sleeping in, playing with the dog and continual cross country training for our older two. It has been a very restorative summer. I don’t think the kids have been bored at all (especially our older two as they have been to multiple camps and trips) and I have been able to get plenty of rest and home projects accomplished. NOW, however, I am ready for kids to go back to school. I need to get back into a workout routine and a work routine! I am so much more productive when I have time constraints like the window of time I get during the school day. Thank you SUMMER and HELLO SCHOOLYEAR!







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Transplanted from NYC to the Bay Area with 4 kids, a husband and a children's accessory company called Trulaaluu. I am inspired by my family, adoption, my friends, good design, running, beautiful spaces, social media connections and creating. Welcome to Dwelling by Design.
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