Rain in the Valleys

Rain in the Valleys

Here in the Bay Area, it is currently our rainy season. Winter is when we (in theory) get all of our necessary moisture, throw on our rain boots and brave the puddles (honestly, more like floods in some parts) and hunker down waiting for sunnier skies. I feel bad ever complaining about the rain because our state has been in a drought for a decade and we need EVERY SINGLE DROP of rain we can get. The best part of rain in these parts is that our hills and vineyards practically glow green. It is the most gorgeous time of year in Green Valley and Suisun Valley and I can’t help but snap photos whenever the mood strikes because those green vineyards against the stormy skies is some kind of love language for me.

Green Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Green Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com

Over the last two weeks there has been a huge amount of rain. While the flooding is a bit precarious to drive through, the rainbows have been extraordinarily beautiful. One day I was driving between Suisun Valley and then out to Napa and encountered no less than six separate rainbows!

Green Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Suisun Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Suisun Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Suisun Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Suisun Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com

Sebastian and I took Bebe for a walk along Green Valley Road one night before we got poured on (by the way, our dog LOVES the rain). The contrast between the sun starting to set, rain clouds and green was exactly what my soul needed.

Green Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Green Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Green Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com

The round-a-bout at Abernathy road in Suisun Valley is always a beautiful sight to see especially when it is raining… These are from the back and side of “Mother Earth” – best I could do while navigating the round-a-bout!

Suisun Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com
Suisun Valley Solano Country Fairfield California Sara Stubbert www.dwellingbydesignstudio.com

Sadly, we go for long periods of time in California without ANY rain and so I know that I will miss the sights of rainbows and little floods in a few months. I remember growing up on the East Coast (I was raised outside of Washington, D.C.) and the terrific summer thunderstorms we would get. I miss those. Summer rain is the best…but winter rain against the vineyards is pretty tough to beat :).

PS: I took all of these on an iPhone XR. They required very little editing; the camera on the XR is fantastic!

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Transplanted from NYC to the Bay Area with 4 kids, a husband and a children's accessory company called Trulaaluu. I am inspired by my family, adoption, my friends, good design, running, beautiful spaces, social media connections and creating. Welcome to Dwelling by Design.
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